

佛山是廣東第三大城市,有著(zhù)深厚的文化底蘊和優(yōu)越的經(jīng)濟環(huán)境,吸引著(zhù)越來(lái)越多的外國人來(lái)扎根就業(yè)、學(xué)習、創(chuàng )業(yè)。然而,不會(huì )說(shuō)漢語(yǔ)、不會(huì )讀漢字使這些在佛山生活的外國人感到寸步難行。學(xué)習漢語(yǔ)成為外國人來(lái)到佛山首先必須解決的問(wèn)題之一。創(chuàng )譯翻譯最新推出針對在禪外國人工作、生活的對外漢語(yǔ)課程,由經(jīng)驗豐富的對外漢語(yǔ)教師執教,針對不同需求的外國人制定適合的漢語(yǔ)課程,使學(xué)員在最短時(shí)間內掌握日常漢語(yǔ)的口語(yǔ)表達。實(shí)用的課程內容、獨特的教學(xué)方法,創(chuàng )譯翻譯是外國友人學(xué)習漢語(yǔ)的首選!

As the third largest city in Guangdong, Foshan, with a profound cultural background and excellent economic environment, is attracting more and more expats to work, study or even create their own businesses in Foshan. However, being unable to speak Chinese or read Chinese characters have been one of the obstacles for these expats to live in Foshan. InterPro Translation has launched a new course of Chinese learning, which is taught by experienced Chinese teacher, to solve the language issues for the expats. The teacher will customize the course according to the objectives of the students and help them master the daily Chinese at the soonest. With the practical course content and fun teaching method, InterPro will be your first choice in Chinese learning!

安丘市| 邵武市| 石家庄市| 信阳市| 堆龙德庆县| 内丘县| 怀宁县| 庆云县| 休宁县| 柳江县| 阿克陶县| 登封市| 饶河县| 渝北区| 海林市| 根河市| 兴宁市| 德庆县| 得荣县| 建始县| 长岛县| 高淳县| 河曲县| 文成县| 中西区| 高青县| 敖汉旗| 上饶市| 巫溪县| 武威市| 铁岭县| 昆山市| 五大连池市| 华蓥市| 双牌县| 大丰市| 永德县| 永寿县| 平舆县| 承德市| 鹰潭市|